LEAKED: blueprint for pushing gender ideology in schools shows what we're up against!

It has been obvious for some time that the insidious promotion of toxic gender ideology in schools is a well-organized, meticulously planned, and strategic effort.

Now, thanks to a leaked document (similar to the Renfrew County school board document we wrote about a few weeks ago) we can read the plan, or at least the plan as it was distributed by the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN), in 2022, in a draft entitled Supporting Students: Gender Identity and Gender Expression Guidelines’

The document is a draft that is reportedly being used internally in the board, but it is not online at their website. 

The introduction declares that “(i)t is the responsibility of all members of our school communities to respect and affirm students’ gender identity and gender expression, and to work with students to ensure that the needs that they identify are met.”

No effort is made to disguise the strategy of cutting parents out of the process.

Although the legal right of parents to request access to information should they learn that their child is undergoing a process of “gender transition”, page 6 declares that “[a] school should never disclose a student’s lived gender identity to the student’s family without the student’s explicit prior consent. This is true regardless of the age of the student.”

What does the plan have to say about cases where the rights of a family to adhere to their religious beliefs clash with the gender expression of a student? 

Page 12 assures us that “[religious] rights can be limited when the practice of religious beliefs impedes on the rights of another person.”

So, just as in Animal Farm, all are equal, but some are more equal than others. 

“The student’s self-identification is the sole measure of their gender.”

-Leaked DNSB document, page 17, on the subject of washroom use.

On page 8, staff are advised to use whatever pronouns the student requests, including but not limited to “he, she, ze, they, lel(s), ielle, yell or ille(s), etc.”

A handy language guide on page 21 instructs teachers never to use terms such as Mom, Dad, brother, sister, Ladies, Gentlemen, Ma’am, Sir, man, or woman. 

But they may use “folx” and “pals”. 

No, I’m not making this up. Yes, I wish I were. 

As shocking as it is to read this leaked document, it does explain where the corrosive and dangerous policies pushed in schools are coming from. 

Opportunities for sexual grooming abound, because the chief strategy of the groomer has always been to keep activities a secret from parents.

As the old saying goes, it’s good to know the tune that the devil is playing. 

We must increase our efforts to oppose this insidious ideological onslaught, and to demand honesty, transparency, and the supremacy of parental authority in all matters of education.


Please write to trustees at the District School Board of Niagara and say you strenuously object to the board requiring staff to keep gender transition a secret from parents. Ask them what is the status of this document and why it is not available to the public, if it is being used now? Then ask them to review this document and have a public debate about whether it is suitable to keep information on student mental health from parents.  Ask them to vote no to keeping secrets about their children from parents and to halt the use of this document.

Kate Baggott
NOTL/St. Catharines
[email protected]

Sue Barnett
[email protected] 

Nancy Beamer
[email protected]

Alex Bradnam
NOTL/St. Catharines
[email protected]

Helga Campbell
Niagara Falls
[email protected]

Lora Campbell
NOTL/St. Catharines
[email protected]

Jonathan Fast
NOTL/St. Catharines
[email protected]

Susan Jovanovic
Fort Erie/Port Colbourne
Susan. [email protected] 

Elizabeth Klassen
Grimbsby/Town of Lincoln
[email protected]

Deane MacIntosh
West Lincoln/Wainfleet
[email protected]

Shannon Mitchell
Niagara Falls
[email protected]

Showing 3 reactions

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  • Maureen Ward
    commented 2023-06-29 11:01:49 -0400
    This is Insanity 101. It is an absolute abuse of their power at the expense of the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health of our little ones. It is abusive on so many levels and a parent’s worst nightmare. I can’t even imagine the helplessness and horror parents are feeling.
  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in BLOG 2023-06-27 19:52:02 -0400
  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in BLOG 2023-06-25 14:44:40 -0400