Demand change to board's washroom policy!

You've probably read our emails about the ongoing saga between the Renfrew Catholic District School Board vs. one of its grade 11 students, Josh Alexander. If you haven't, we'll fill you in.below. 

First, we wanted to let you know that you have a chance to support Josh by writing a letter to demand a written policy stating that washrooms are to be single-sex (closed to the opposite sex), with the addition of single-use washrooms established for students who are living as the opposite sex. 

Josh's Story

Back in November 2022, Josh staged a school walk out at St. Joseph's in Renfrew in protest of transgender students using the women's washroom.  This resulted in backlash from the school, which proceeded to "reprimand" Josh by suspending him, issuing him a trespassing notice if he stepped on school property, and now, most recently, they've made the decision to exclude him from school for the remainder of the year.  

This student acted commendably, trying to protest the gender ideology at the school and protect his fellow classmates. In return the board has put the student's academic success in jeopardy in the name of woke indoctrination. 

Since the RCCDSB is not supporting Josh's admirable fight, we must stand up for him, and we need your help to do it!


1) Letters to Trustees

Write to trustees and tell them that you want to see a written bathroom policy established for the board that washrooms are to be single-sex (closed to the opposite sex), with the addition of single-use washrooms established for students who are living as the opposite sex.

Contact info for trustees – please note that phone numbers ring to the board voicemail service:

Bob Shreader, Chair
[email protected]
613-735-1032 ext. 506

Susan Artymko
[email protected]
613-735-1032 ext. 511

Andrew Bray
[email protected]
613-735-1032 ext. 510

Anne Haley
[email protected]
613-735-1032 ext. 509

David Howard
[email protected]
613-735-1032 ext. 507

Pat O’Grady
Pat.O'[email protected]
613-735-1032 ext. 508

2) Sign our petition to support Josh Alexander!

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  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in JUSTICE FOR JOSH 2023-02-25 15:28:41 -0500