
Why Should We Repeal Ontario's Sex-Ed Program?

As Premier Dalton McGuinty's Education Minister, Kathleen Wynne introduced a sexual education curriculum in 2010 that had to be withdrawn in days due to popular outcry over its graphic nature.  Parents objected to content including masturbation for grade 6, anal and oral sex in grade 7, and making a personal plan for sex and the introduction of gender identity theory in grade 8.  As Premier, Wynne shoved the same graphic curriculum down the throats of Ontarians without meaningful consultation in 2015.  

Kathleen Wynne's "new" sex-ed curriculum was 96% identical to the one from 2010!  

In 2016, Patrick Brown, leader of the Progressive Conservative Opposition infamously “flip-flopped” on his sex-ed position and said he supported Wynne’s curriculum. When Progressive Conservative candidate Doug Ford ran to become Premier of Ontario, he ran on a platform that included repealing and replacing Wynne’s sex-ed curriculum. After being elected, Ford repealed Wynne’s sex-ed in 2018 for one year, during which he held a general consultation on the curriculum that was not restricted to parental input. In 2019 Ford released a curriculum that was largely a copy of Wynne’s, earning him the criticism of PAFE President,Tanya Granic Allen, that he too had flip-flopped on the sex-ed file.

Since the release of the 2015 sex-ed curriculum, concerned parents and other stakeholders have waged an ongoing battle against the Wynne-Ford agenda to undermine parental rights and indoctrinate children with inappropriate sex-ed content.

Why are parents so opposed to the curriculum?  Because it:

  • sexualizes young people
  • interferes with the rights of parents to direct their children's education
  • is causing psychological and social harm

PAFE is helping parents push back!

There's lots you can do to help PAFE stop this outrageous "SEX-ED SCAM"!

Want to read the curriculum for yourself?

Click here to be taken to Ontario's primary sex-ed curriculum

Click here to be taken to Ontario's secondary sex-ed curriculum

Parent Sex-Ed Resources

Repeal Wynne and Ford's Sex-Ed, PAFE Brochure

List of controversial topics in the primary sex-ed curriculum

List of controversial topics in the secondary sex-ed curriculum

Showing 4 reactions

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  • Mary Anne Ouellette
    commented 2022-12-08 20:47:09 -0500
    Stop sex ed in the schools! School is suppose to be a safe space for children to learn? Now as parents and grand parents are seeing this is a dangerous enviroment for our kids and grand kids! Homeschooling or private is better and it is safer. The school board has gotten corrupt and neglagent for the safety and wellbeing of our kids! They all need to be dismissed and replaced with teachers that are real and do what is best for kids. SEX ED IS NOT THEIR JOB!!
  • Donald Raper
    commented 2020-04-06 15:16:28 -0400
    Why send us your email if we can’t post it on Facebook.
  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in ISSUES 2020-01-28 11:54:20 -0500
  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in ISSUES 2020-01-23 19:11:11 -0500