Did you hear the news? Ontario Minister of Education, Lisa Thompson, announced Wednesday that the new government will follow through on a campaign promise and will repeal the Kathleen Wynne sex-ed curriculum.
More significantly, Thompson announced that the Wynne curriculum will be repealed in time for the upcoming school year, this Fall!
This follows the specific request that I have been making since election night. Click here for the video. Click here for the op-ed I penned.
Minister Thompson is promising real and meaningful consultations with Ontario parents, and, in the interval, Ontario schools will revert to the previous, 1998 version of the Ontario sex-ed curriculum.
All of this bodes well for the implementation of the PC campaign promise to “repeal and replace” the Wynne sex-ed and, as part of the consultation process, to “restore” the previous curriculum.
I attended the Throne Speech in the Ontario Legislature this week and the repeal of the Wynne sex-ed was even mentioned there too.
Good work Minister Thompson for listening to the parents!
And thanks also to YOU and other supporters of PAFE, for standing by us these past few months and years and for the great work you have done in your local area and in lobbying your local politicians! Your support for PAFE and our hard work has made a tremendous difference.
I have done my best to do give as many media interviews as possible and shine a light on the crux of the matter: parents simply want their rights respected, and they want their children protected from harmful ideological indoctrination. The Wynne sex-ed had to go.
Some of the media I dealt with this week included The Globe & Mail, CBC, Global, CP24, CFRB 1010, The Toronto Star, QP Briefing, Canadian Press and The Toronto Sun.
This story has even received global attention!. It has reported by TIME magazine (US version) and even the BBC!
Of course, there remain many sympathizers and enablers of Kathleen Wynne’s sex-ed agenda, an agenda that does not respect the cultural and religious diversity of this province, nor the rights of parents as the primary and first educators of their children.
These supporters of the Wynne agenda have been very quick to get organized. Take for example this news article titled "Ontario Teachers Can Fill In The Blanks Of Old Sex-Ed Curriculum" from the Huffington Post which is most revealing.
According to the article, Harvey Bischof, the former head of the OSSTF union (Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation) admits that teachers "aren't in the position to defy the instructions of their superiors when it comes to what is taught” but, according to another teacher, "The curriculum is not a list of things you're not allowed to cover; it's a minimum list of things you can cover," adding "So there's no reason why, if teachers feel the need to cover things that aren't in the curriculum, that they couldn't do that.”
What, exactly, are those things that the supporters of Wynne curriculum list as priority items?
Stay tuned! I will share more with you in "Part 2" very soon...
For the family,
Tanya Granic Allen, President
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Having grandchildren in the Ontario school system I was overjoyed at the announcement of an immediate repeal of the Wynn sex ed curriculum and its immediate adoption for the start of the school year. You are to be highly commended for your outstanding effort in support of this repeal as I’m confident the speed at which this has transpired is a direct result of your hard work. Thank you on behalf of all the families of Ontario.