Parental consent petition

Hon. Stephen Lecce’s made remarks yesterday that parents should be “fully involved” in students’ decisions to change names or pronouns at school. 

“But as I say, as an overarching value system, I really do believe that parents need to be fully aware, fully engaged. And school boards need to be transparent with parents. I mean, they are the legal guardians. They love their kids. They want to be aware of what's happening in the life of their children in their schools.”

These words are a good start, but we believe parents want him to put his money where his mouth is. Not just words but ACTION.

We at P.A.F.E. have launched a petition to demand that Lecce FOLLOW THROUGH and see to it that school boards demand parental consent prior to children transitioning their gender at school.

Please let’s drum up public support for Lecce to take concrete steps to mandate parental consent for their children’s gender transition.

Will you sign our new petition requesting that:

Ontario Education Minister, Hon. Stephen Lecce, mandate school boards to obtain parental consent before schools recognize children’s name or pronoun changes at school.

And, after you have signed, will you forward this email to 10 friends and ask them to sign the petition?

CLICK HERE to sign petition

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  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in BLOG 2023-08-29 13:57:29 -0400