JK Rowling's Quest for Truth on Gender


Since tweeting support for a woman who lost her job for what were deemed “transphobic” tweets, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has been in the spotlight for her criticism of transgender activism.

Despite attempts by activists to “cancel” her, Rowling is not backing away.

She recently tweeted that, “It feels as though we’re on the brink of a medical scandal,” referring to the trend of so many children and teens being given experimental treatments to “transition.”


Rowling says the response she has received for speaking out has been mainly positive:

Since speaking up about gender identity theory, I’ve received thousands of emails – more than I’ve ever had on a single subject. Many have come from professionals working in medicine, education and social work. All are concerned about the effects on vulnerable young people.

Rowling—a hugely successful author—is one of a growing number of public figures who are criticizing transgender activism because of the harm it can bring to young people and because it is stifling free speech.

The backlash against transgender activism is growing, especially in the UK. Whistleblowers are coming forward and a legal case has been launched.

In May PAFE told you about the landmark legal case in which the UK’s Tavistock gender clinic is being sued over concerns that children are being given experimental treatment without adequate assessments.

In the UK the backlash has become so strong that the government is poised to introduce legislation restricting minors’ access to gender reassignment surgery.

With popular cultural figures like J.K. Rowling risking their reputation by refusing to back down, the backlash against transgender activism doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

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Best regards,

Teresa Pierre, Ph.D.

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  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in BLOG 2020-08-06 12:23:42 -0400