1 Million March draws out record crowds nationwide!

Across Canada on Sept. 20 parents gathered to protest their parental rights being overriden through the school systems.  Parents wanted to send the message that they won't tolerate gender ideology saturating schools and schools covering up children's choices to assume new names and pronouns.

The day of action was fuelled by Muslim groups with many groups from other faiths and no faith joining in. In Toronto, there was a noticable presence of protestors from the People's Party of Canada.

Marches took place in large cities, from Halifax to Vancouver, including but not limited to Calgary, Edmonton, St. John, Charlottetown and a plethora of cities in Ontario, and in small towns across the country.  

Holding signs that said "Hands off our kids!"  "Leave our kids alone!" "Stop planting seeds of confusion!" thousands of protestors marched through the streets of Toronto to Queens Park.  Dozens of police officers were there to keep them separated from counter protestors defending the classroom teaching of gender identity theory, who outnumbered those on the other side..

PAFE President, Teresa Pierre, at Toronto MillionMarch4Children rally, Sept. 20

I was there to address the crowd in Queen's Park. I congratulated parents on the large turnout but cautioned them not to stop until the province enacts real changes to protect parental rights.

How long might this be?

"When not just the parents here today show up and make their voices heard, but when they do it again, but with twice the crowd. And again. With even more showing up. And again. And again," I said.

"And that, dear friends, is up to you.
Today is just the beginning. For the sake of our children and grandchildren and our friends and their children – please don’t stop."

For the full text of my talk, CLICK HERE.

CBC interviewed a parents-rights protestor, Nathan McMillan, who said he attended the march at Queen's Park to "support children and the importance to maintain their innocence," while citing concerns around gender curriculum and age-inappropriate books.

"There's a lot of political rhetoric going on right now about what's happening in our schools," he said. "I think it's important that we keep kids out of these important discussions that really are between parents and their children. Teachers and institutions, unions, big money, they shouldn't be having these types of conversations with kids in such an overt fashion."

Thousands also gathered in Ottawa, where commentator Andrea Mrozek on Facebook wrote "this rally indicates a high level of unrest among many immigrants as to what their children are being taught in school."  Keean Bexte uploaded footage to X showing the large crowd brandishing signs and faced with "a horde of union-paid activists here in masks preparing to riot."

A couple of arrests were made in Halifax, Toronto, Victoria, and Vancouver of people armed with weapons, a street in Hamilton had to be temporarily shut down, and the protest site in Victoria ultimately was cleared due to safety concerns halfway through activist Meghan Murphy's speech.

Anti SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) curriculum opponents clash with counter-protesters in Vancouver Sept. 20.

These events were highly successful at helping raise awareness among pro-parental rights parents of the numbers of parents engaged in their cause. It was a shot in the arm for attendees, despite their inevitable labelling as anti-trans by the mainstream media, whose coverage skewed toward the counter-protestors.


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  • Bonnie Fitzpatrick
    commented 2023-09-28 00:02:10 -0400
    Where are the church congregations? They need to get out of the pews and get to the streets!
  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in BLOG 2023-09-21 12:35:55 -0400