On the 13th day of Christmas ...we got one less indoctrinator at Waterloo Regional District School Board!

This month, the Waterloo Regional District School Board (WRDSB) abruptly announced the departure of their Director of Education Jeewan Chanicka. WRDSB would not give any explanation for this decision.

If you’re familiar with Jeewan Chanicka, you’ll know that he’s insufferably woke, and WRDSB has had a lot of attention drawn to it for the lack of respect towards parental rights and their brutal pandering to woke politics.




If you’re not familiar with Jeewan Chanicka, here is a little recap of who WRDSB hired as their Director of Education.

Jeewan Chanicka has long been an activist for LGBTQ and trans ideologies, as well as a critical race theory activist. He condemned parents who participated in the MillionMarch4Children, citing the march as a “hateful and violent incident”. In a LinkedIn post from two months ago, Jeewan wrote a long wordy tirade including “All of us- regardless of background- have internalized racism.”

He created a video advocating for menstrual health where he claimed that both men and women can menstruate. Ah yes, the liberal fairy-tale science of “biology”; maybe Chanicka should go back and re-educate himself on some of the basics of human biology before holding a position that guides and educates children.

Chanika was the Director of Education when WRDSB publicly silenced teacher Carolyn Burjoski after she raised valid concerns about the presence of highly sexualized literature in school libraries, a situation that many felt highlighted the Board's dismissive attitude toward the concerns of teachers and parents alike. Furthermore, Chanicka failed to take responsibility for a defamatory letter issued by the Board against David Todor, a father of two young girls, who had voiced his worries about his daughters’ safety amid the school board’s increasingly radical stance on gender ideology and age-inappropriate sexual literature.

In April of this year, Chanicka received the Visibility Award at an event in Toronto which celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Transgender Pride flag. Chanicka is very openly gay on his Instagram, and even posted a photo of eggplants he was cooking for dinner with the sexually suggestive eggplant emoji and winking emoji.

Therefore, we are so relieved to tell you that Jeewan Chanicka cannot indoctrinate any more children, or conflate his job in education with political activism.

Perhaps with new leadership, WRDSB will take into consideration the responsibility they have to educate the children in their care, and leave the politics out of it.

Parents don’t want their children’s education to be directed by men who wear skirts, and call them racist. Parents don’t want to be dismissed at board meetings, and they don’t want their children to be exposed to inappropriate sexual literature in school libraries.

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  • Amelia Willis
    published this page in BLOG 2024-12-12 10:26:31 -0500