PAFE is launching a campaign to rid Ontario schools of unscientific gender identity theory!!!
We’re calling it “No to gender identity theory in Ontario schools”, or the “NO GIT Campaign”, for short.
What is the NO GIT Campaign?
We are encouraging concerned Ontarians to push back against gender identity theory in whatever form it enters our schools (in the curriculum, school events, assemblies, etc.), and against the board and provincial policy measures that are ultimately responsible for it. We will lobby politicians and school board officials, but we are going to start at the most basic level – with the schools themselves!
Are you in?
All Grades, All Parents Opt-out Form
PAFE’s NO GIT Campaign will BEGIN at the school level with a tool for parents to push back against gender ideology in the schools. We’ve developed an exemption form that allows them to exercise their natural right as parents over their children’s education.
PAFE urges concerned parents to file our comprehensive EXEMPTION form with their schools to opt their children out of ALL instruction in gender identity theory!
The Ford government alleges it guarantees parents the ability to opt-out of the elementary Health and Physical Education curriculum in a policy document known as PPM 162. To ensure this, they have mandated that parents receive notice of when the classes are to begin and the content of the course. We know this opt-out is useless, and some parents are complaining about how ineffective it is.
PAFE has received many complaints from parents across the province that their children have been exposed to sex-ed and gender identity instruction at an earlier grade than is prescribed in the sex-ed curriculum, or in the form of school assemblies and/or other events such as library readings—none of which are covered by the government’s opt-out. I repeat - it’s a sham, it’s ineffective.
And that’s just for elementary school.
What about high-schoolers? The Ford government allows ZERO opt-out or notification for grades 9-12. So if you don’t like gender theory being taught to your high-schooler, too bad - the government forces it on high school students.
PAFE’s exemption form addresses all of these concerns. It demands notification and opt-out from:
- high-school sex-ed, as well as elementary
- all gender identity instruction
- all school events that teach gender identity theory
The exemption form is currently available for download by clicking here or going to under “Action Items.”
To make this successful, we need everyone’s help to make other parents aware of the form!
- Forward this email
- Take the form to your place of worship and ask your pastor if you might make a brief announcement about it after the service and distribute forms
- Distribute forms at your parent council meeting
- Make an announcement about the form at meetings of other groups you belong to
Please contact us for further INSTRUCTIONS about how to distribute these forms and let us know where you intend to distribute them at [email protected] or 416-763-7233.
PAFE informs and mobilizes supporters to lobby politicians to respect parental rights and family values. Please support PAFE with a donation by clicking here.
Best regards,
Teresa Pierre, Ph.D.
Your donation to Parents As First Educators (PAFE) helps us fight for parental rights!
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