City buses in London, Ontario drew attention after a Christian group paid for advertising on local transit buses with the simple message: "Let kids be kids: put the brakes on medical transitions for minors."
We all know that nothing triggers the radical left-wing Marxists like some good old fashioned common sense. And that is just what happened.
London's transgender community bemoaned that this ad is 'extremely harmful to youth' and 'dangerous', and all the other trigger words and phrases they love to use so much. One individual touted the ad as "absolutely appalling".
You know what's appalling? Mutilating children, confusing them about their gender behind their parents' backs, and using chemical castration drugs on children and calling it "healthcare". Those things are appalling.
After pushback from gender extremists to have the ads removed, the London Transit Commission (LTC) decided not to pull the ads. Even though the chair of the LTC said the ad "does not reflect the views and values" of London's transit authority, the LTC concluded that the ad does NOT violate any part of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
Transgender activists clapped back by purchasing their own ads, launching on January 20, that read "Trust kids when they tell you who they are." and "protect trans kids".
They're missing the point. They either don't know what they're advocating for, or they just don't care.
Do they know that trans children tend to be more suicidal, mentally ill, and potentially injured for life, both mentally and physically? According to the National Library of Medicine, suicide rates are higher in transgender youth than 'cisgender' youth. A study showed that 41% of trans kids were significantly depressed, 20% had attempted suicide, and 46% had self-harmed over the course of a year. In Canada, trans kidshave 3 times more likelihood of developing depression and anxiety, 5 times the amount of suicidal tendencies and attempts, and 4 times likelier to self-harm than those who are not.
Additionally, the American College of Paediatricians says that there is no evidences that transgender procedures are safe for children. In fact, the side effects include the following: "mental illness, permanent physical harm including osteoporosis, seizures, cognitive impairment, sterility, higher risk of heart attacks, stroke, blood clots, and cancer."
Knowing these awful side effects, we should be alarmed that our children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews have access to all of this information without your knowledge, in schools and in society. Not only do they have access, but this twisted agenda is actively being pushed at kids as young as three years of age, and parents have no clue.
Unless we start using our voices and making noise, these radicals will keep preying upon innocent children. We have to do something before it's too late!
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