
English at the bottom.

在接下来的几周里,您会有机会告诉Doug Ford和Ontario PC Party您的想法! 告诉福特省长和安省进步保守党(PC)在大麻、性别歧视、父母权利、犯罪和“性别认同”等事情上他们应该做些什么。

11月16日至18日,安大略省进步保守党会在多伦多举行代表大会。您可以通过在大会上投票来影响政府的政策。每个选区都会派出21名代表参加这次大会,只有代表才能投票。 如何成为代表呢? 每个选区都会召开会议,选出21位代表。其中五名代表必须年龄在30岁以下,其他16名代表人员可以是30岁以上。如果您成为代表,交会议费用$399,您就有权投票了!对于30岁以下的人,费用仅为$149。


方法1:发送电子邮件至[email protected],并告诉他们您想成为代表。给他们你的全名、地址和选区。您必须在会议开始前至少24小时这样做!您必须在会议日期前至少15天成为PC党员。

方法2:出席您的本地会议,并在会议开始前注册。然后,当会议开始时,举手说想成为一名代表。在大多数选区中,只有不到16人愿意成为代表,所以那些想成为代表的人会被选上。 很少有30岁以下的人要求成为代表,所以他们通常也会被选上。 如果有超过16人希望成为代表,则进行投票(无记名投票),选区的PC成员可以投票选代表。

即使您不想成为代表,您是否应该参加当地会议?答案是肯定的!因为如果要当场选举代表,您可以只投票给支持家庭价值观并反对Wynne / Horwath性教育的人。


Scarborough North (October 16)

Mississauga-Erin Mills (October 17)


最后,请致电647-465-0395或发送电子邮件至[email protected],告知我们您想成为代表。




在接下來的幾周里,您會有機會告訴Doug Ford和Ontario PC Party您的想法!告訴福特省長和安省進步保守黨(PC)在大麻,性別歧視,父母權利,犯罪和“性別認同“等事情上他們應該做些什麼。

11月16日至18日,安大略省進步保守黨會在多倫多舉行代表大會。您可以通過在大會上投票來影響政府的政策。每個選區都會派出21名代表參加這次大會,只有代表才能投票。如何成為代表呢?每個選區都會召開會議,選出21位代表。其中五名代表必須年齡在30歲以下,其他16名代表人員可以是30歲以上。如果您成為代表,交會議費用$ 399 ,您就有權投票了!對於30歲以下的人,費用僅為$ 149


方法1:!發送電子郵件至[email protected],並告訴他們您想成為代表給他們你的全名,地址和選區您必須在會議開始前至少24小時這樣做您必須在會議日期前至少15天成為PC黨員。


即使您不想成為代表,您是否應該參加當地會議?答案是肯定的!因為如果要當場選舉代表,您可以只投票給支持家庭價值觀並反對Wynne / Horwath性教育的人。


Scarborough North(10月16日)

Mississauga-Erin Mills(10月17日


最後,請致電647-465-0395或發送電子郵件至[email protected],告知我們您想成為代表。




In the next few weeks, there is opportunity to tell Doug Ford and the Ontario PC Party what you think!

Tell Premier Doug Ford and the PC Party what they should do when it comes to marijuana, sex-ed, parents’ rights, crime, “gender identity” and things like this.

On November 16 to 18, the Ontario PC Party is having its Policy Convention in Toronto. You can influence the government’s policies by voting at the policy convention. Every riding gets to send 21 delegates to this convention, and only the delegates are allowed to vote.

How do you become a delegate?

Every riding is having a meeting to select the 21 delegates. Five of these delegates must be under the age of 30. The other 16 delegate spots are for everyone else. If you become a delegate, the fee to attend the convention is $399 and this entitles you to vote! For those under 30 years of age, the fee is only $149.

To become a delegate, you first need to find out where and when your local meeting is taking place. Then, there are two ways to become a delegate.

Method 1: Email [email protected] and tell them that you want to become a delegate. Give them your full name, address, and riding. You must do this at least 24 hours before the meeting! You must be a PC Party member at least 15 days before the day of the meeting.

Method 2: Show up at your local meeting and register before the meeting starts. Then, when the meeting starts, raise your hand and say that you would like to become a delegate. In most ridings, there are fewer than 16 people who would like to become delegates so those who want to be delegates are automatically acclaimed. There are also few people under 30 who ask to be delegates so they are usually acclaimed as well.

If there are more than 16 people who want to become delegates, there is a vote (with a secret ballot) and the PC members of that riding who are there get to vote for who they would like to become a delegate.

Should you attend the local meeting even if you don’t want to be a delegate? YES! Because if there is an election for delegates, you want to vote only for the people who support family values and who are against the Wynne/Horwath sex-ed.

Here is a list of some of the upcoming meetings:

Scarborough North (October 16)

Mississauga-Erin Mills (October 17)

Please encourage your family and friends to become delegates as well. The more pro-family delegates we have at the convention, the greater the number of pro-family policies can be adopted by the government.

Finally, let us know that you would like to be a delegate by calling Queenie Yu at 647-465-0395 or emailing [email protected].

For the family,


Tanya Granic Allen, President

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