Minister Lecce announced last week that schools would be closed until early May.
For parents in board schools, your children go “back to school” today, using Google Classroom, Google Meet, etc. and you probably have lots of questions as to how this will all work.
Is my child going to get the help they need in this arrangement? Will they stay focused at home? If they are struggling, am I going to have the knowledge, patience, etc. to step in and field their questions? How much time is going to be expected of me in making sure work is completed?
Now more than ever parents have to play their role as first educators!
A word about sex ed. It’s difficult to say whether health class will be a focus for teachers in the coming weeks. Likely there may not be time to squeeze it into days which will be already full from the logistical challenges of remote learning. If it is to be taught you should get notice, since the government has mandated 21 days parental notice before it will be taught.
If you receive notice that sex ed is to be taught you can review our list of controversial topics in Ontario sex-ed at the bottom of our “Issues” page at our website to help you decide whether you want to opt your child out.
If you do wish to opt your child out, you can send your teacher and principal our exemption form from sex education and gender ideology instruction.
- Download the exemption form here and email it to your child’s teacher and principal and ask the principal to put it in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR).
- Please notify us if you receive notice that sex ed is to be taught.
A final word of encouragement to the parents, grandparents, teachers and administrators out there. Everyone is making their way together in this new educational reality. We know it won’t be easy to navigate, but encouraging everyone in their positive achievements will go a long way.
PAFE informs and mobilizes supporters to lobby politicians to respect parental rights and family values. Please support PAFE with a donation by clicking here.
Best regards,
Teresa Pierre, Ph.D.
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