Originally published February 14, 2022 by Parents as First Educators
True North published an excellent article about a Florida mother who challenged the creep of ‘Critical Race Theory’ (CRT) in her daughters’ schools.
Quisha King has been fighting back against CRT for over two years, and she’s been so successful at it that she was recently singled out by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in his “State of the State” address.
King first heard about CRT at a church conference, but at the time had no idea how prevalent it was in schools.
That changed when her daughter’s eighth grade teacher introduced some tenets of CRT during a lecture on racial themes.
“The class turned into one big ‘Oppression Olympics’ where the children were competing for who was more oppressed”, King says.
“I find it highly insulting for anyone to tell my child that because they happen to have more melanin than someone else that they are more oppressed and to tell a child that has less melanin that they are an oppressor,” she added.
King, who also belongs to a national organization called Moms for Liberty, believes that the obsessive focus on racism in schools is a “smokescreen” to introduce CRT, which is rooted in Marxist ideology.
The ultimate goal of the educators, King warns, is to raise a generation of activists and agitators for the hard left.
And we know CRT isn’t just a problem in the US; it’s a problem in Doug Ford’s Ontario.
Yes, under Premier Doug Ford, CRT is being taught in schools across this province. In Ontario, children are turning into radical activists.
King has also objected to another result of CRT on education: the dumbing down of the curriculum in response to the disparity of academic success along racial lines.
Instead of addressing education problems and pushing every student to succeed, schools are responding by cancelling gifted programs or getting rid of challenging subjects such as Calculus.
“Why in the world would I want my child to strive for less because she’s black…we should be pushing for excellence, not mediocrity,” King says.
For Quisha King, the ultimate defense against CRT indoctrination in school was to pull her two daughters out, and join a homeschool co-op, and the other enrolled in a private Catholic school
King now speaks around the United States, advocating a “mass exodus” from public schools, for the protection of children, and to create a loss of revenue that will force school boards to acknowledge and address the seriousness of this crisis.
“Pull your kids out and I guarantee you will start to see the system change,” King says, “We just need to hit them where it hurts.”
With the radical Ford/Wynne sex ed in Ontario schools, we have seen a mass exodus from the school system. We know school enrolment is declining. But we need to do more. We need more parents to speak up at school board meetings and demand the end to indoctrination. We need to vote for school trustees and MPPs who will stand up for the children of Ontario.
2022 will give us such an opportunity. Want to help?
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