Trustee Ashby Must Resign

We have some very alarming news regarding a Catholic school board trustee from Waterloo. 

Trustee Wendy Ashby of Waterloo Catholic District School Board recently published a number of inflammatory tweets, which caught the eye of several concerned community members. She attacked white Christian males, stating "The most dangerous creature on the planet is the White Christian Male. They're a threat to anyone that is not them." Another tweet from her, says "Hush money. Buying silence about being underpaid. White women make obedient soldiers for the christofascist patriarchy."

To break it down, this is a Catholic school board trustee, who has a duty to represent Christian values, overtly attacking Christian values, and the people she is supposed to represent. 

Ashby's tweets all had hashtags such as "transgenderism", "truth", "white entitlement", "racism", "trans rights are human rights", etc. She appears to consider herself a social justice warrior, fighting for justice and acceptance for all! But where is the representation for the white Christian males she so blatantly discriminates against? If these comments had been made towards anyone of colour, members of the LGBTQ+ community or Indigenous communities, the school board would have taken immediate action and removed her from her position as trustee, especially as a Catholic school board.

Trustee Ashby needs to be held accountable for her actions.

Wendy Ashby has shown prejudice based on race and religion, which shows she is unfit to represent her white Christian constituents as a trustee, and she should resign. 

Please sign our petition, asking for Ashby's resignation. 

Whereas Trustee Wendy Ashby of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board publicly expresses hatred against Christians, we the undersigned demand she resign her position as trustee immediately.

2,000 signatures

Will you sign?
