STOP the Pride Flag from being flown at Halton Catholic Schools

TO: HCDSB Trustees

Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) trustees will be voting next week on a motion demanding all schools to fly the rainbow “Pride” flag at schools and put up “safe spaces” posters in all classrooms during the month of June. Parents are stepping up to say NO!

Please sign our petition to keep political messaging supporting same-sex relationships out of Catholic schools.

Parents exercise their choice when they send their children to Catholic schools, and they expect to receive an education with Catholic moral teaching. Catholic schools need to be clear about the messages they give to children, and consistently teach students the truth about the faith. Raising the Pride flag suggests approval of sexual activity of which the Catholic Church disapproves and violates Catholic teaching on chastity for all young people. Activists are using the Pride Flag motion to enforce their ideological agenda. Tell Halton Catholic Trustees to vote NO!

Catholic schools should be places of education, NOT political indoctrination!

Sign the petition to STOP the Pride flag at Halton Catholic Schools. Tell Halton Catholic Trustees To vote NO!



4,729 signatures

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