
Thank you for joining the fight to defend parental rights and family values. Striving to keep our elected officials accountable, PAFE receives no government funding, and donations are NOT tax deductible.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor. This is the best way to financially ensure that PAFE will be able to continue our work. It helps us budget and plan appropriately.

To Donate by e-Transfer (no service fees for PAFE)

Please send an e-transfer to [email protected]. Your donation will be automatically deposited into PAFE's account. No security question or answer are required.

To Donate by Cheque (no service fees for PAFE)

Please make cheque payable to "P.A.F.E." and mail it to:
Parents As First Educators
2336 Bloor St. West
PO Box 84556
Toronto, ON M6S 4Z7

To Donate by Credit Card

Please complete the information below.
