Brief on C-6

Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights re. Bill C-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy)

From the perspective of parents, Bill C-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy), is an unbalanced attempt to limit the options for guiding individuals who are exploring their gender identity and sexual orientation. We say “unbalanced” because it would allow parents to choose “affirmation therapies” for their children but, at the same time, it would prevent the same parents from seeking therapy that potentially would reinforce their children’s identification with their birth gender or with a heterosexual sexual orientation.

Parents as First Educators contests that Bill C-6 is an unacceptable restraint on parental authority. It would unnecessarily exclude therapies that have a proven record of success, and force children toward medical treatments and therapies that are experimental, have a limited testing record, and can leave youth with significant, long term health consequences.

Read our brief on Bill C-6, in which we argue it should be rejected because it:

  • is not justified by science;
  • will harm children;
  • infringes on parental rights.

Read the PAFE Analysis of Bill C-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy)


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  • Teresa Pierre
    commented 2021-03-08 12:44:53 -0500
    You could post this on your facebook page: Parents as First Educators contests that Bill C-6 is an unacceptable restraint on parental authority. It would unnecessarily exclude therapies that have a proven record of success, and force children toward medical treatments and therapies that are experimental, have a limited testing record, and can leave youth with significant, long term health consequences. Read the brief at
  • Maged Rofail
    commented 2021-03-08 12:38:32 -0500
    Dear PAFE

    How can I share this topic on my Facebook Page?
  • John Kanary
    commented 2020-12-08 22:41:47 -0500
    Bill C-6 really undermines peoples options for alternative life choices, and attacks many professionals who have spent their whole lives successfully helping people who struggle with these issues. These professionals were grossly misrepresented in the news media.
  • paul wood
    commented 2020-12-07 14:34:10 -0500
    THis therapy is NOt to ‘convert’ people to anything. Look at the brilliant team of researchers and psychotherapists who specialize in it! Gay people have by far the highest record on depression, suicide and drug addiction. No other group comes near. There is finally a therapy for those who want it and Trudeau wants to make it illegal! This tyranny must not be allowed, it must be stopped. Thousands of men on site have had the therapy and their lives are vastly improved. Google it. Trudeau and lgbt people want them to be gay. Where’s the choice? If it help health why not? We already pay for every abortion, transgender operations and euthanasia (outrageous). The rejection of conversion therapy is another tyrannical anti-life move by Trudeau and lgbt. To deny needy people this therapy is nothing less than tyranny.
  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in Conversion Therapy Bills 2020-12-07 11:49:33 -0500