Jim Karahalios of Take Back Our PC Party and Axe the Carbon Tax being banned from the PC Party convention by Bob Stanley, Executive Director of the PC Party.
Tanya Granic Allen took the opportunity to blast PC Party Executive Director, Bob Stanley, about Patrick Brown’s sex-ed letter and subsequent flip flop in August 2016.
Queenie Yu asks MPP Sam Oosterhoff about the consequences of voting against bills supported by Kathleen Wynne and Patrick Brown.
Queenie Yu and Tanya Granic Allen took the time to explain to MPP Monte McNaughton the importance of standing for parental rights and family values in legislation.
Tanya Granic Allen questioning MPP Raymond Cho about Patrick Brown’s strict party discipline.
Queenie Yu discussing the abysmal conference attendance with MPP Ernie Hardeman.
MPP Rick Nicholls, his wife Diane, Queenie Yu, and Tanya Granic Allen. What was discussed? The upside-down social priorities of the Patrick Brown PC Party.
Queenie Yu discussing the sham of a policy convention with PC Party President, Rick Dykstra.
The plenary meeting room was half vacant for the entire morning.
Isn’t that surprising when the PC Party has over 100,000 members? Perhaps its because the whole convention was a sham.
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