The Return of Tanya Granic Allen




It happened again.

Another betrayal of social conservatives- just like Patrick Brown.

What happened exactly? What about these trumped up smears against me? Why did Doug Ford's team not support me? And what are the next steps? I will address these questions in the next few days.

Before I continue, however, I must thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the outpouring of support in these past few months. All of your emails, calls, donations, volunteer hours helped propel our cause to the forefront.

When Patrick Brown ran for leader, it was the social conservatives which put him over the top. When Doug Ford ran for leader, it was my votes, mainly comprised of social conservatives, which crowned Doug as leader.

And what was the result of Doug Ford’s victory? I was removed by Doug Ford and his team as the democratically nominated candidate, and another candidate was appointed instead.

Clearly, Doug Ford is getting bad advice from his advisors.

I’ve always been clear- I’m here to be a strong voice against the Kathleen Wynne anti-family agenda. I intend to remain as that strong voice, even if through undemocratic means I have been pushed out of running as a PC MPP.

When I announced I was running for leader 3 months ago, the two main issues on which I ran was the repeal of the Wynne sex-ed, and cleaning up the corruption within the PC Party.

Doug Ford made commitments to me and the party, that it was not enough to review the Wynne sex-ed, but it must be repealed and replaced, and parents can opt-out.

I’m watching the first leader’s debate tonight to see if Doug Ford will make a re-commitment to repealing and replacing Wynne’s sex-ed.

Repealing the sex-ed has nothing to do with homophobia- but has to do with parental rights. Parents are the first educators of their children. We get to decide.

The most recent manifestation of the anti-family agenda, however, is Bill 89.

I have already received calls from parents who are being threatened with having their children taken away because the parent is hesitant with their child switching genders. Parents who don’t subscribe to gender ideology can have their children taken away by the government. This is appalling. Doug Ford needs to address Bill 89 in the debate today.

Another Bill of concern is one I highlighted in the TVO leaders debate: Bill 77. This bill tramples on parental rights for those with gender dysphoric children. This Bill, now law, limits parents’ access to therapies which research has proven can be beneficial. Why should the state insert itself between parents and their children? In most cases, parents know best. Doug should address Bill 77 in the debate today.

I might have just walked away after the leadership and gone home. I didn’t. I felt compelled to run as an MPP to be there to make sure Doug stays true. And Doug, after all, encouraged me to run and told me I would play an important role in his government. I felt a responsibility to the families of Ontario.

I still feel a responsibility. Does Doug?

The debate airs at 6:15pm tonight on City TV.

For the Family,


Tanya Granic Allen, President


Showing 51 reactions

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  • Terry Langley
    commented 2018-05-07 17:21:11 -0400
    First my rant – it appears that “Liberal Creep” is seeping its way into every political party and this is not good! Last I checked we are a democratic country and part of being a democratic party is free speech. Tanya said things that upset people – so what? She upset some people and some people applauded her, that is politics! Almost every politician has a different view on abortion, should certain politicians be admonished because the “social justice system” (whoever that is) says, “oh, that’s bad, you have to resign”. I’m disappointed Doug Ford didn’t support Tanya because I believe she would have been good for the majority of people in Ontario. I hope “Liberal Creep” is not going to influence Doug Ford, or we really are screwed! I’ll still vote PC, because Wynne has to go – no “if, ands or buts” about it. As for the future, ill have to wait and see…
  • Greg McNeely
    commented 2018-05-07 17:16:38 -0400
    Thank you for all you have done to try to turn the PC party into a potent, competent and relevant force in Ontario. We had hoped Doug Ford was different and would renew the long corrupt and dying party, but he appears to have put the final nail in it by kicking you out. He turned a sure majority into a possible minority.
    Thank you Tanya for standing up for Ontario families!
  • Jen Vdw
    commented 2018-05-07 17:00:36 -0400
    He might have just lost mine and my husband’s votes… I think we all need to message him and tell him it was our votes that got him where he is, and we agree with Tanya.
  • Thomas Meagher
    commented 2018-05-07 17:00:35 -0400
    A Tribute To Tanya Granic Allen – Future Prime Minister?
  • Wayne Duquette
    commented 2018-05-07 16:48:44 -0400
    I was very disappointed with Doug Ford disqualifying you from running for office. The idea of free speech doesn’t seem to exist anymore.
    Hopefully you will run as an independent and perhaps next election you will get a well earned shot at winning and becoming Premier.
  • Raymond Martel
    commented 2018-05-07 16:38:34 -0400
    Stay strong! Stay committed! Stay faithful! Always with grace.
  • Alexandre Kostirko Dr.
    commented 2018-05-07 16:36:36 -0400
    You absolutely right,
    Nathan Prindler.
    By abandoning Tanya Ford is going to loose conservative support and will gain no votes.
    Unless he wants to continue with “Progressive”(Liberal)Cobservative party and there inept policy and laughable candidates . In this case I am out and all hope lost for Ontario
  • Doug Lawrence
    commented 2018-05-07 16:35:49 -0400
    I think it would be a very good idea to reinstate Tonia a lot of people want her for our MP, please reconsider.
  • David MacKenzie
    commented 2018-05-07 16:30:12 -0400
    The ease with which supposedly “conservative” culture dispenses of its social critics and prophets is not a good sign of cultural maturity. The threat of radical sexual progressivism is real enough, and Tanya has helped identify it, but until Conservatives decide to back their most adamant candidates to the full, they will forever be narrowing the political field, until there is no real choice (beyond left-wing ideological tyranny) left.
  • Wayne Duquette
    followed this page 2018-05-07 16:29:29 -0400
  • diana schmidt
    commented 2018-05-07 16:26:04 -0400
    Nathan Prinder. I disagree with your comments. Doug is not a coward. HE had no choice due to the Campain MANAGER AND PC PARTY EXECUTIVES PROBABLY DID. HE still Has people he has to answer to. This was one of the Wynne government nasty mudslinging viscous interference. I am sad Tanya was picked on by the LIBERALS Blame them. FYI The Liberals EDITED THE VIDEO TO ONLY INCLUDE WHAT THEY WANTED YOU TO hear. I am hoping that legal action is taken. Personally I would sue Wynne and her cronies for deflamation etc etc
  • Kresimir Mamic
    commented 2018-05-07 16:20:00 -0400
    So Sad and pathetic! We lost a great team player and why for what political correctness bulloney… 2018 and no free speech!
  • Nathan Prindler
    commented 2018-05-07 16:12:02 -0400
    I’ve seen the supposedly “controversial” comments made by Tanya Granic Allen, and I do not see a problem with her saying them. To say that this makes her unworthy of office; especially in the face of current leadership; is a slap in the face to everyone who shares her views, and it will lead to more radical movements.
    If we can’t have Tanya, then we deserve Kathleen. Better to be hot or cold than lukewarm- better to burn it all down than to elect lip-service cons who will accomplish absolutely nothing on the social front.

    Doug Ford is a coward and a traitor. He would not have won without Tanya’s influence and voters, and now he throws her under the bus as soon as he thinks it will help him in his goal to WIN. This reveals to me that he just pays lip service and will not serve So-Con’s interests at all.

    Doug Ford says, “[The Conservative] Party’s open to absolutely everyone.” But we don’t need someone who is “open to differing views,” when it comes to the evil we see coming from the regressive left, we need someone who will fight for what’s right and NOT back down. Compromising on our beliefs never ever pays out in the long-term. Harper was useless on the social issues and now it can only go downhill from here if we do not get behind more “radical” leaders.

    “Respect” be damned… People are waking up to the fact the the regressive left will never be content with who we pick, they will never stop hurling the worst assassinations of character, and the MSM will never stop aiding them in that goal. We’ve tolerated their nonsense long enough. Time to stop apologizing. We need to be able to call them out for what they are.
    The ridiculous double-standards, biased witch hunts by the media, and blathering of generic apologies for conservative thought-crimes that do nothing to appease the left, is what has led to the rise of Donald Trump. Eventually you’ll end up with a frustrated people electing someone who actually IS vile, and just doesn’t give a shit what the media or opponents paint about them.
  • Rebecca Biffert
    commented 2018-05-07 16:06:21 -0400
    Thank you, Tanya, for your on-going defence of families! You are on the right track- it’s our province and country that are going down the wrong path. We are with you 100% and praying for you and all of our country’s leaders to make decisions and laws that put families first. I have already written to Doug Ford since yesterday when he ousted you as MPP of Mississauga and expressed my extreme disappointment in his action and asked him to reverse his decision.
  • Therese Theoret
    commented 2018-05-07 16:03:51 -0400
    Stay involved, Tanya….it’s not over yet…
  • Tammy Lynch
    commented 2018-05-07 16:00:40 -0400
    I am Disheartened by Doug Ford’s Decision to Dump Tanya, I joined the PC Party to vote for Doug Ford, Because I thought he was a True Conservative, Turns out he is a Liberal Sleaze just like Patrick Brown.
  • Peter Belfry
    commented 2018-05-07 15:35:37 -0400
    Stay involved Tanya, we’re still behind you 100% and will hold Doug accountable alongside of you.
  • George Krahn
    commented 2018-05-07 15:30:31 -0400
    Supporting you all the way Tanya!
  • San San Maw
    commented 2018-05-07 15:26:56 -0400
    Withour Tanya Allen ’ s support Ford will never be leader. He owe thanks to Tanya.
  • Alexandre Kostirko Dr.
    commented 2018-05-07 15:04:56 -0400
    Fuul support for you and reconsidering support for Ford.
    Got all my family and friends to join "p"C party and donated money to Ford .
    It looks like establishment doesn’t want to change things.
    Ford won ONLY because if Tanya Granic Allens support.
    He should be ashamed of himself.
    Trying to gey Liberal votes?
  • Tanya Allen
    published this page in BLOG 2018-05-07 14:42:35 -0400