WARNING: Gender Theory Workshops Starting Mon. Nov. 18


WARNING: Gender theory workshops starting Monday November 18  

A handful of parents have found out that activists from a company called “Unlearn” will conduct a gender theory workshop for all children at St. Andrew’s Public School in Waterloo (grades 7 to 8). The Principal has met with those concerned parents but has decided not to give notice to all parents about the school-wide workshops beginning Monday November 18. To read a concerned parent’s notice about the workshops, click here.


This incident is not an isolated incident. PAFE is aware of similar incidents in other boards.

  1. Contact your child’s school principal to find out if they plan to have any gender identity or other ideological workshops during the school year, and demand that they send a notice to parents ahead of time.
  2. Let us know what you find out. We can inform parents in your area to contact the principal, trustee and superintendent. Email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 416-763-7233.

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Showing 6 reactions

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  • Aniela Ufa Jezusowie
    commented 2019-11-23 23:00:44 -0500
    Is it true they teach them masturbation and butt sex in grade school in Canada??
  • Boris Thlobushevsky
    commented 2019-11-18 18:15:36 -0500
    Just relax. Nothing wrong about teaching children a gender theory. Better than smoking dope.
  • Blair Taylor
    commented 2019-11-18 11:59:28 -0500
    Wrong! Does anyone remember what they were like in grd 7 & 8?! Does anyone read?! This is political & popularity driven. It has nothing to do with logic, research, science, development, discipline or education. It is divisive and it is evil. Read a book! Start with the Good Book! I’d pull my kids out of that school immediately, it has no morals or values, none.
  • Mark Wild
    commented 2019-11-17 13:07:49 -0500
    Disgusting. Looks like Ben Levin and Zir Wynn are getting their way after all…. Shame on Ford, a coward.
  • Eugene Perabo
    commented 2019-11-15 15:16:52 -0500
    Educators, Parents. What is worse? A. A principal of a public school, St. Andrews in Waterloo, deliberately keeps the parents of gr. 7 and 8 students uninformed that an unknown quantity agency will be instructing their children on questionable ideological theory.  OR , B. An unknown, but non-educational agency comes into the school to present unverified and unscientific and likely racist theory. Either? Draconic? Subterfuge?
    How and when will this stop in a democratic school system with compulsory Parent Councils? Eugene Perabo BA, MEd.
  • Teresa Pierre
    published this page in BLOG 2019-11-15 13:30:31 -0500