You're a Delegate: FAQ's about the Convention

As a delegate for this weekend’s PC Party Policy Convention, here is some information that you will need to have! To receive important updates during the convention, please email your cell number to [email protected] or leave a message at 416-763-7233.

Arrival at the Convention

The convention will take place at the Toronto Congress Centre, 650 Dixon Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1J1.
Parking is free. For directions, click here.  

Registration/Check-In will be taking place outside of Hall D, and the plenaries will be in Hall B and C. To see a map and where best to park, click here. There will be PAFE volunteers and signage to help you upon arrival.

Before you are allowed to enter the convention and vote on anything, there are a few steps you need to take: 

  1. You must pay the registration fee. If you haven’t paid, you should do so now by clicking here. If you need help, leave a message at 416-763-7233 and we will return your call. Once you have paid the registration fee, please CLICK THE BUTTON below to let us know that you have registered so we may update you with important information.
    Click HERE to let us know you've registered!
  2. On Friday (1pm to 9pm) or Saturday morning (starting at 7am), you must appear in person at the convention site – the Toronto Congress Centre –and must provide proper photo identification and proof of address and do an ON-SITE CHECK-IN.
  3. Once you have checked-in, you will be given a delegate badge/credential. Your badge will allow you to attend all the convention activities and to vote for the policies, constitutional amendments, and the party’s executive.

Best Time for On-Site Check-In?
Friday November 16: 1pm to 9pm
Saturday November 17: 7am to 8am (complimentary breakfast is served at 7 am)

As far as PAFE is concerned, the most important part of this convention is the Saturday morning Policy Plenary & Voting session. This is where delegates will get to vote on pro-family policy resolutions. 

Policy voting will start at 8:15 am, and you will not be allowed into the room until you have both paid the fee and completed the ON-SITE CHECK-IN. 

Please either show up at the Toronto Congress Centre on Friday and check-in then, or else arrive at 7am on Saturday to complete the ON-SITE CHECK-IN ** BEFORE ** the 8:15 policy session starts. Ideally, you should be in your seat at 8 am when the convention officially starts. This is the single most important thing you need to know about the entire weekend! 

NO MATTER WHAT, plan to be in the Plenary Hall from 8:15am to 10:30am to vote on the policy resolutions. 

Suggested Schedule of Activities

Thursday November 15
Possible PAFE strategy conference call. Stay tuned for more details.

Friday November 16
6:30 pm –PAFE strategy meeting (near the Congress Centre). To register for this session, click here.
8:00 pm –PAFE strategy meeting (near the Congress Centre - repeat of 6:30 pm meeting). To register for this session, click here.

Saturday November 17
7am– ON-SITE registration continues

8am– Call to Order for convention

8:15am to 10:30am – Policy Plenary Session – ALL HANDS ON DECK! PAFE will give supporters voting guidance at the strategy meeting.

10:30 to 11am- Special guest speaker

11am to 12:30pm- Speeches from the candidates for the PC Party executive

Lunch- The convention is not providing lunch BUT there will be a complementary luncheon available on a first-come, first-served basis. Stand by for reservation details for this special opportunity.

2pm to 4pm - PAFE will be offering a special session for pro-family delegates. Stay tuned for more details.

4:30pm– Pre-Dinner Reception

6pm to 8pm– Premier’s Dinner- included with your registration fee for your convention

Sunday November 18
7am to 10am – Party Executive Voting (drop-in anytime to cast your vote). PAFE will give supporters voting guidance during the Convention. Stay tuned.

10am to 12pm – Voting of Constitutional Amendments. PAFE will give supporters voting guidance at the strategy meeting.

To see the official schedule for the convention, click here. Please check your email for daily updates.

I look forward to seeing you this weekend!

Tanya Granic Allen


P.S. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or leave a message at 416-763-7233.
